Anxiety of Unfinished Business

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Waiting for Nothing to Do

There is a bit of excitement in the air as three of my boys are getting ready to start attending new schools next week.  While it's a bit hard for them to appreciate the privilege they have to study and learn, they are none-the-less excited about experiencing new things and making new friends.  I suppose it's also calming for us as parents to know that the chaos of summer will soon settle back into predictable schedules and routines.  But I can't seem to shake a haunting feeling of uneasiness - the anxiety of unfinished business.  It's a feeling of being ready to go but finding that I'm rather only waiting for nothing to do.  It stinks.

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty bummed.  I think that is a natural reaction.  Like training hard for a race and then blowing a hamstring a week before the event.  A longing sense of - just didn't get it done.  So I've had my pout and now it's time to begin focusing on - what now?

When I said that my seminary education was never about the degree or the grades, that was either true or it wasn't.  Just because I'm no longer enrolled in a seminary degree program does not preclude me from continuing to study and grow.  Sure, working hard in an accredited degree program has obvious short and long-term advantages, but what if that just isn't an option?  What alternatives are available for someone like me who has the need and desire for theological training, but lacks the time, opportunity, and means to pursue such an endeavor?

Let's explore that idea a little further.  I'm going to scamper off and do a little research to see what I can find.  I'm a bit curious to see what's available and how that compares to what I've experienced.  I'm really not sure what to expect but stay tuned for more as I begin to look into this.     


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